iPhone Series
Create on the go with Vectornator

Create on the go with Vectornator


What You’ll Learn

Are you on the go and you need to make some last-minute tweaks to your design? We've got your back!

Educational Value

This is our third episode and it's dedicated to being on the move.

The fact that Vectornator is available on iPhone (and through the power of iCloud) means that you can create whenever and wherever you want!

Picture this scenario: maybe you’re already at the printer's shop, and you realised that you need to do some last-minute touch-ups. Or you want to keep your process flexible and let your creative juices flow while on the move. It is totally possible and easier than you think. Anna is showing you just how it's done!

  • how to make the most out of using iCloud Sync
  • how to use Vectornator on the iPhone for final retouches
  • how to export your files

About the Artist

Create on the go with Vectornator
Anna D'Addario

Anna, our Head of Content Marketing, was born in Italy and now lives in Germany. She’s been with Linearity since the beginning, and she’s also a talented freelance graphic designer.

Anna has a special place in her heart for educating Vectornator users, and is the mastermind behind Vectornator Academy.

More iPhone Series Tutorials

Anna D'Addario
Anna D'Addario